Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cabin Fever

I gots it.

This weather. It's lucky it's so pretty or I'd hate it.

I've been trying to do some new-ish things and get back to some old-ish things I nearly forgot I enjoyed doing.

I burned some wood. A new-ish activity. I had tried last year but gave up isn't nearly as easy as I thought it would be. You can sketch out what you want to burn to your heart's content but the wood grain dictates what you're *actually* going to do. *frustrating*

Then 'inspired' by these sheets of paper from an antique, French novel I have I decided to do some 'mixed media' work (the old-ish activity). Took a sentence from a page and off I went.

"The fleshy girls who treated life like a dance."

or something like that.

Hand colored a print I made of an antique ballerina photo.

The result:

Then I remembered why I stopped doing this. I suck at it. =)
My paper is forever wrinkly and I value simplicity in an art form that is all about abundance.

...I should stick to photography I think =)

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