Every picture Tom takes of me (when I let him hold the camera).
*scroll past this nonsense for actual photos*

I just thought I'd share his brilliant talent, if only to make you appreciate my photos a touch more in contrast.
"Hey Meg, compared to that guy who sucks, you're AMAZING!".
Oh I know I'm amazing...compared to that guy who sucks.
And now we can all mock me for being nearly the same shade of white as my dress.
Let's all do that.
Or not.
(I don't even know who "we" is...)
Here is Chinese Virgin Mary and Chinese Baby Jesus
(as seen in Chinatown.)
Click to enlarge or reawaken the dead igniting a zombie world war of sorts.

Poor baby Jesus and his mitten shaped hand. Bet he got a lot of flack for that.
We went to Washington Square Park. (which despite the appearance of the photos, was paaaaaaaaacked)

And while we sat on the new benches, listened to a group of street musician's play "On Broadway", and watched a guy ride a unicycle with a tourist on his shoulders,

I looked at Tom and said:
"We're really lucky we live here."