Sunday, July 26, 2009

If you're bored...

It's 'cause you're boring.

ps. my kodak duaflex is on the way.

i=obnoxiously excited!


  1. Meg, it's your mom. I love that umbrella and would love to have one just like it. Brings back memories of when I was little.

    So glad you took that picture!

  2. Hi! I can tell you're my Mom by your name, Sue :P

    i will keep my eye out for an umbrella like it. it's Tom's sister's.

  3. Gee Meg, cut me some slack. I'm just getting used to this posting stuff! Meanwhile, I'm sure you'll be mortified to know that I posted a comment on Katie's YouTube video. Just couldn't help it.....

    Thanks for keeping an eye out for the umbrella. And I love the picture, even if I didn't like the umbrella so much!

  4. *slack*

    Sorry, it's just that I don't know any other Susans who love umbrellas (are you over the duck ones?)

    I'm not mortified by anything you do. I'm proud of you for your progression into internet nerddom.

  5. Thanks for the slack. I have to admit I am not yet over my love for the duckie umbrellas.

    Well, thanks for the sentiment that you're not moritified by anything I do. Anything??

    And of course my progression into internet nerddom will be as slow as my progress into any new technological thing is. It will be at a snail's pace! And that's fine with me!
    Meanwhile, I barely got on to Facebook when I deactivated it. Just couldn't bring myself to venture into that world!

  6. Facebook is the devil. you'll end up just hating everyone you know.

    You can mortify me starting a rap career or something. no actually i would find that amusing.

    maybe you should start a rap career!

  7. Okay. Well, I'll give that rap career thing some thought......

    Thanks for the scoop about Facebook! Don't want to hate everyone I know. Another good reason to stay off it!!!
